The staff of Warren Dell Primary School are committed to raising standards and providing the best education for children in our school. The document below provides more detail on what we aim to achieve with our curriculum design.
The Teaching and Learning Policy seeks to identify the features of effective teaching which translates the aims of the school and the curriculum into relevant, challenging and enjoyable learning experiences for all children. We are supported, challenged and held accountable by our governors and have a Teaching and Learning Committee which carries out this function.
The curriculum at Warren Dell Primary School is structured around termly themes but each curriculum area is taught as a discrete subject. The purpose of the themes is to provide a mechanism for linking learning to a range of contexts, enriching the learning and enhance the cultural capital that our curriculum content provides. We intend to meet and in some subject areas go beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. With the development of knowledge organisers we are able to identify the key knowledge, ideas, skills & vocabulary that children will secure through their learning at each key stage.
Curriculum Accessibility
The values of our school demonstrate our commitment to equity and inclusion – Warren Dell is a school where everyone feels welcome and accepted. A family of inquisitive learners who achieve well, experiencing success and who enjoy finding out more about the world around them and the role they have within it. The aims of the curriculum reflect these values and in turn the design of the curriculum allows us to comply with our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 thus making the Warren Dell curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs. The document below provides the detail on how we comply with these.
Curriculum Accessibility
Every year there are a vast range of activities taking place across our school which enhance and enrich the curriculum. The following document provides an overview of the activities we did last year, many of which are very successful and are undertaken annual. As you can see, many of these activities involve visits, external visitors, mixing across the year groups and therefore have been curtailed this year.
Furthermore, we are part of the Agora Learning Partnership and have been involved in creating the Children’s Pledge. As a school we have thought carefully about how we can give every child opportunities within the pledge. For example, Year 6 visit a University, Year 5 visit the theatre, Year 4 a museum, Year 3 a sports stadium, Year 2 an art gallery and Year 1 a farm. In addition to this every child in Year 4 learns to play a brass instrument and our many performances as well as our speech cup enables children to build their confidence to perform and speak to an audience. The pledge can be seen on the Agora website here:
Further information about the curriculum can be obtained by contacting the school office:
Mrs Tracy Boyle, Business Manager