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Pupils enjoy the rich, well put together curriculum. They achieve well. Pupils get deeply involved in their learning and talk enthusiastically about it.


Pupils are well prepared socially and emotionally during their time in school. The school’s culture builds pupils’ character and feeds into pupils’ aspirations.


Leaders have made sure pupils have access to a range of enrichment activities. This inspires pupils to be creative and try new things, such as going on to perform in West End shows. The wealth of extra clubs nurtures pupils’ interests and talents well.



At Warren Dell we aim to provide our children with a wide range of experiences and rewards for achievement. Each class has the opportunity to go on topic related trips, reward trips and experiences; visitors and performers come into school; regular challenge days are undertaken  and Year 5 and 6 pupils are able to experience residential trips.


Below is a selection of recent events. 

Each class took part in our Trust wide values day focusing on generosity.

Year 6 led an e-safety assembly

2024 started with each class thinking about one of the six ways to well being

E-safety assembly led by Year 6
