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Childcare At Warren Dell


Childcare is one of the most important decisions a parent makes.


At Warren Dell we offer the following options:



Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am from Monday to Friday. You do not have to book in advance but we ask that all children arrive no later than 8.15am. Children are given a nutritious breakfast and have the opportunity to play and socialise with the other children in the club. It costs £4.00 a session and £2.00 for brothers/sisters. If your child is eligible for free school meals, they can attend 2 sessions a week at no cost. 



Our After School Club runs from 3.15 - 5.45pm pm from Monday to Friday.  Our daily cost for pick up by 4.15pm is £4.00 and pickup by 5.45pm is £10.00.  Payment is required prior to attendance and must be paid by 9am on the morning your child is attending the club.  A discount of 10% is given for places booked and paid for a half term in advance. Children are given a nutritious snack to eat and are able to play games, complete art activities, use the laptops and complete homework if they wish to.


If your child attends a teacher led club they would be taken to the After School Club at 4.15pm which would then cost £4.00 



Warren Dell Pre-school  is a small school run setting with 24 places for children aged between 2 and 3 years. We open every day between 8.45am and 12pm.


We provide a fun, happy and safe environment for your child to begin their learning journey. Children are able to explore and investigate through a range of experiences covering all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

The cost is £12.50 per session.  We also offer places for children who are eligible for 2 and 3 year funding. 


Further information can be found on the Pre-School Page or by contacting the school office.



Warren Dell Nursery has 30 spaces for children aged between 3 and 4 years old. Nursery is open from 8.45am to 12pm and there is no charge to attend. We offer 30 hours funded places for children that meet the eligibility criteria however these places are limited.  


Applications for Nursery are made directly to school-please see our Nursery page or ask at the school office.
