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  • All children at Warren Dell receive quality first teaching and this is the first step to meeting the needs of children with SEND
  • Reasonable adjustments are made for many children including scaffolds for learning, fiddle toys and cushions and now and next boards and the impact of these is monitored.
  • If children are identified as needing extra support (academically or socially) they may be included in an intervention group to accelerate progress. Parents will be informed of this and given the opportunity to come into school and find out more about the individual intervention.
  • If, despite quality first teaching and extra support to accelerate progress, a child is still not making the minimum expected progress, they may be placed on the Special Education Needs/Disability (SEND) register. Parents would be involved in this decision and some children may only be on the SEND register temporarily.
  • Once on the SEND register, a child’s progress is monitored in even greater depth by the SENCo. Each child on the SEND register is part of an Assess, Plan, Do and Review (ADPR) cycle. This involves children, parents, class teachers and the SENCo working together and meeting formally at least once a term to make a plan to meet the needs of the child.  This action plan may include an academic or social intervention, consulting an outside professional or the use of specialist resources.