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Our class teachers are Miss Clarke and Mrs Hunt. Our key workers are Miss Lardner, Mrs Hooker ,Miss Griffin (am) and Mrs Toms


Our Nursery day starts at 8.40 and finishes between 11.45 and 12. We also offer afternoon sessions for children that qualify for 30 hours funding which is until 3pm however afternoon places are limited. 

Miss Clarke can be contacted on:


Mrs Hunt can be contacted on: 

Nursery Curriculum Overview 2023-2024:

Curriculum information can be accessed here:

How to help at home:


There are many ways to help your child at home make progress in their learning.  Some examples of this are:


FMS – Fine Motor Skills – including threading activities and play dough.

Counting and recognising numbers.

Talking to your child about past events such as their day at school.

Helping your child to practise writing their name.

Reading with your child every day.

Practise sounding out words to your child and blending them back together.  E.g.  s-i-t  = sit

This site has links to appropriate phonics games:
