The meticulous planning of the trust’s pledge ensures ‘every child will’ experience opportunities to develop their talents and interests within and beyond the curriculum. The school provides many clubs and trips which all pupils can access. The school carefully considers the social experiences which help pupils to flourish, such as ordering food at a restaurant. Substantial opportunities to lead ensure pupils contribute to school life, such as advising the headteacher about reading and play resources, or meeting their local Member of Parliament as representatives. The democratic process which pupils experience as they develop new skills teaches them how to be active citizens. Ofsted January 2024
At Warren Dell we aim to provide our children with a wide range of experiences and rewards for achievement. Each class has the opportunity to go on topic related trips, reward trips and experiences; visitors and performers come into school; regular challenge days are undertaken and Year 5 and 6 pupils are able to experience residential trips.
Below is a selection of recent events.
Each class took part in our Trust wide values day focusing on generosity.
Year 6 led an e-safety assembly
2024 started with each class thinking about one of the six ways to well being
E-safety assembly led by Year 6