Learning this term
This term our topic is Coastal Adventures. In Maths, we are securing fluency to 20, place value ordering and comparing, and compliments of 10 and 100. In English, are looking at traditional tales (Rapunzel), poetry (Joseph Coelho), explanation texts (Tadpole's Promise) and calligrams. In Art, we are using clay to make sea creature tiles. In Geography, we are learning about the United Kingdom and our local area. In Science, we are learning about living things and their habitats. In Computing, we are learning about IT around us, what information technology is and what we use it for. In PE, we are doing gymnastics and football. In RE, we are learning about Christianity and what Jesus taught us. In PSHE, we are learning about 'Being me in my world'.
Please continue to practise Numbots and TT Rockstars every week as this will really help with fluency.
If our child reads four times a week and their reading record is signed, they get entered into the reading raffle on a Friday. Please bring their reading record in on a Friday for us to check. Please let us know if you are having any problems reading at home.
You can also access e-books on Monster Phonics. Please let me know if you need a login.
We will send out spellings every Friday. Each Friday, we will check the spellings and send the new ones out. Each child will need to spell the word within a whole sentence.